There was a tremendous response to this on the Instagram page.it seems to be a much needed area for debate and writing.

At my stage in the game as a grandmother,there is still much to be learnt.Life long learning is the best way.

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Thank you Sarah!

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I’m a little daunted by the prospect of continuing to develop my relationship with my adult daughters. I wanted for so long, that they would find their feet and fly. Each piece of parental assistance, their dad and I provided; I had treated like a ticket to their success as independent adults.

The reality was, we vastly overstretched our resources, cars, holidays, deposits for houses, milestones birthday parties , lavishly reflecting our joy at how mature they’d become. Only, to remain, in the same spot, mummy, daddy and two kids on and on and on, no end in sight.

No life partners found, nor sought by either daughter. I was disappointed and confused.

They’re clever, well qualified and beautiful women but the impetus to fly, wtf was that?

My go to response, obviously, to blame myself and to blame, their Dad, a little more even.

I’ll try to explore the mystery a little more. Now they have at long, f***ng last moved to their own perfect little house, taking (my) their perfect fur baby with them 🥲

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